Just days before 2018 I read “One Word” a book written by Dan Britton, Jimmy Page and Jon Gordon. The premise of the book is to identify just one work that you choose to shape your focus for a year.
I chose GRIT last year, and boy was I tested. Despite the hardships, the word was always on my mind and helped me stay focused. Success is not always defined by what you do, but what you don’t do. In my case, it was NOT giving up.
Ironically, the first book that came my way in 2019 was GRIT by Angela Duckworth. It was a great read and helped me understand that you are not born with Grit but it is developed, which means we can all have Grit in one form or another.
Choose your word for 2019 and get started today.

Wellness is about getting better every day.
Below is the link to the ONE WORD podcast. You can find it on iTunes or any podcast app.
* duration: 40:38, Played: 40:11
* Published: 12/9/18 7:33:51 AM
* Episode Download link: http://traffic.libsyn.com/jongordon/Interview_Page_Briton.mp3?dest-id=624299
* Show Notes: http://traffic.libsyn.com/jongordon/Interview_Page_Briton.mp3
* Episode feed: Positive University Podcast – http://jongordon.libsyn.com/rss
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