Per my Facebook post earlier today, below is my Roll the Dice 30-minute workout from today. The key is to just keep moving, take as much rest as you need between exercises and sets. Always check with your doctor before attempting any workout program.

Round 1
Mountain Climbers can be 30 total or 30 per leg.

Round 2
Lunges can be walking to single leg

Round 3
Calf Raises, do 15 right leg, 15 left leg and 15 both together.

Round 4
Water Break take 1 minute

Round 5
Bicycles and Bicycle Crunches are per side. So right then left = 1.

Round 6
Crab Walks can be done going forward or backwards.

Round 7
Side Plank: 30 Sec right, 30 Sec left, 2 x per side. Total 2 minutes.

Round 8
Run can be done out side or standing in place if you are inside. Russian Twists are 30 per side.
OK, there you go. Try it yourself and let me know how it went. If your not sure how to do a movement, check YouTube. These are all very simple and no equipment required. God Bless and Have Fun.
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