With every adversity come revelations, COVID-19 is no different. In February 2020 we were all humming along just like normal. Many people, who started with grand goals of health and wellness, found themselves just about where they were in years past, wondering what happened to their New Year’s Resolutions.
When CV-19 hit, things came so fast that people did not seem to have time to think, not evaluate their situations. As a result, we were locked at home, mostly in our minds, palatalized because of our lives changes and threw us for a curve.
For those that remember back to their infant stage of your first college year, you may recall the old saying “The Freshman 10”, referring to the 10 pounds you gained in your first year in college. In the years to come, we will be saying… “I remember the COVID “19” referring this time to the 19 pounds they gained confined at home, stressed, sitting in front of the TV watching the ticker, tick as the media seemed to glorified the number of people that contract the crazy virus.
However, while this happened to so many, some took advantage of the situation, to view life from a defend lens. They stopped to review life and look for ways to change for the better; for those, congratulations.
Look, I know this is not an all or none proposition; some made grand strides in some way of life, and on the flip side, haven’t performed so well in others. To that, I say… it’s ok.
So, if you find yourself more stressed, gaining weight, and out of control, here are three things you can do now to press a reset bottom.
- Give yourselves some grace… There is only one perfect person, Christ. So don’t be so hard on yourself, let go. In John 15, Jesus said to abide in him 10 times. Trust in Him, let go of the wheel and rest in HIM.
- Stay away from things that are causing stress… Stress increases your Cortisol and taxes your Adrenals. Let’s name a few, TV news and Social Media they are full of negative that draws us in and seems like we can’t turn away. Look for positive options to fill that time, like; alone prayer time, reading your Bible, something that fills you with positive, get a massage, or workout.
- Sleep… Less than 4 hours drops your IQ and Less than 6 hours your desire for terrible foods increase and on average eat 300 more calories that next day. Should I say more? Start somewhere if this is an issue for you. Make a plan to get more, a minimum of one more. Something is better than nothing.
If your honest, you know what I’m saying is true. How do I know, because I’m just like you? I have had my areas of struggles along with areas of great success.
Next time, I will discuss food and how that can make a big difference in how you feel and some ideas on how to lose that COVID “19”.
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