Every year riders from all over Texas, USA and abroad block out their calendars for the annual BP MS150 bike ride from Houston to Austin.
If you’re not familiar with the event, it’s a 140-170 mile bike ride that raises money for the local chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society. This year’s event is Sat, Apr 27, 2019 – Sun, Apr 28, 2019
The hardest thing about the event is not the physical aspect, but having the mental confidence that they can first, complete the event and second, how to train to make that happen. I know because I founded and ran a team for 11 years.
Many of the MS150 riders are new to cycling and endurance. With that I mind, I developed a training plan to address their anxiety and eliminate the guesswork to reduce their stress.
This training is simple, easy to follow, and has proven results.
The Training Plan is only $19.97 for a 15 week plan to success, but for a limited time I am offering a DISCOUNT code for 50% off at check out! Access this workout schedule through Training Peaks by following the instructions below.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
- Go to Training Peaks and set up a free account at www.trainingpeaks.com
- Once your account is set up; Click on the plan you are interested in below. Each plan has its own discount code.
Buy Now:
Long Code: FAMS1502019LONG
Short Code: FAMS1502019SHORT
- Smartphone access: Go to the iPhone or Play Store and search for “training peaks” and download the app for free. Do this after you set up your account online.
Note for plans: LSR stands for Long Slow Ride. LSR means the intensity of the ride. To calculate, take 180 minus your age. That is your maximum Heart Rate for the ride. At first it will seem very slow but the more you condition your cardiovascular system the faster you will get. RPE is another option if you don’t have a heart rate monitor (rate of perceived exertion) #4 or lower. There are times when you will struggle with the HR due to ride conditions, i.e. hills, wind, heat etc. Just do your best!
The main key is to be consistent. During the week I encourage you to take a spin class if you are not able to get out and ride but stay in your HR/RPE target.
Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale:
0 Nothing at all
0.5 Very, very weak
1 Very weak
2 Weak
3 Moderate
4 Somewhat strong
5 Strong
7 Very strong
10 Very, very strong
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