12. Replace bad habits with good ones, you don’t lose a habit you replace it - The book by Charles Duhigg “The Power of Habit” is a great read. Habits can run the gambit from good to bad. Some we are aware of, others we are not. The key is to identify the ones that keep us from reaching our goals and replace them with new positive habits. Also, know the habits that are beneficial and continue to do those. …
Archives for August 2020
11. Enjoy the journey – We have to find joy in the process because success usually doesn’t happen overnight. The journey is where we learn the most about ourselves, what we can do, and what we can overcome. It makes the WIN even more enjoyable. …
10. Don’t compare yourself with others, You are You – Your Why is unique to you so stick with the goal. …
66 Tips in 40 Days: Day 4
9. What is your WHY? You need a why when it comes to wellness – If you don’t have it, it’s much easier to throw in the towel when times are hard. Every person will have their own Why. It could be bad health; overweight, overfat, too many medications, inability to more like the “good old days”, it’s hard to get on the floor with your kids or grandkids, sluggish, tired all time, the mirror doesn’t lie, wedding, work stress, YOU DON’T LIKE YOU, you fill in the blank_____. …
66 Tips in 40 Days: Day 3
8. Write a list of 20 things you are grateful for – I know it seems easy, try it. It may be harder than you think. If you have a hard time coming up with twenty, this exercise exposes your need for reflection on how grateful you really are. Some say to do this every day. Start by doing it once and read it daily as a reminder. These 20 might be a good starting point in your daily prayer time. …
66 Tips in 40 Days: Day 2
7. Take ownership of your health – Regardless of your circumstances, we totally control what we put in our mouths, how much we move, and how busy we are. DAY 1 …
66 Tips in 40 Days
Starting today, I will post 66 tips in 40 days. Each post will fall under any one of the following three main categories: The Basics, Health and Wellness, or Training. Each day’s tips will be bite sized for a fast read. My goals for these tips are to invoke thought, help you get motivated or refocused. Most of all, I want these tips to be a blessing to help you live a healthier, more productive, and meaningful life. Don’t miss a post. By adding your name to the …